Women who follow the Medicine Woman Way honor and cultivate a primary relationship with the natural circles of mother Gaia. Through her, we are part of the cosmic flow of the universe and we are aligned with her companion on the journey, the Moon. Here on Earth, to honor her steadfastness, everything that flows moves to the rhythm of the moon.
And it dances.
The moon influences our bodies and our emotions.
Water dances along shorelines. It shimmies up storms. Women’s cycles form circle dances of the “Flower of Creation.” The Moon plays swing with our moods, rhumba with underground currents.
The moon influences our behaviors and emotions.
We are uplifted by her light, or lost in her shadow. Like Salome with her myriad scarves, she reveals and conceals, dancing with the Sun and the Earth at the same time - but not for their pleasure, but her own.
Wise women of any age have a primary relation to natural cycles and cosmic flow, which aligns them with the moon. Like the moon, we ultimately emerge whole unto ourselves. We see the range of life’s potential embodied and expressed through us. The moon waxes and wanes in our mirrored image, fallow or pregnant, waxing or waning.
As the Lunar Eye of Heaven, the moon draws Medicine Women together 13 times in each year to honor the natural cycles of life, death, and rebirth in an ancient pattern of ritual and ceremony.
A good free resource for working with lunar cycles comes from the Introduction to “The Lunar Calendar Daily Journal." The understandings reflected are important to working with the Moon in a meaningful way. I encourage you to review these:
Free Download: https://www.lunarplanner.com/LunarCalendar/LPIntro.pdf.
Sample pages: https://www.lunarplanner.com/LunarCalendar2019/LP190106-j.pdf.
I believe the current pages are updated weekly at the website for free, or you can subscribe to have those delivered to your inbox.
As a Medicine Woman, working with the lunar energies and cycles makes it possible to manifest in concert with the natural rhythms of Earth, Moon and Sun. This manifestation potential can be supercharged when honoring the Solar and Lunar, Masculine and Feminine touch-points on the Wheel of the Year.
In a few days, you’ll receive information about another resource: an offer for the first edition of The Medicine Woman Wheel of the Year, an e-book that reflects on the importance of working within these solar-lunar touch points.
With our feet on the Earth, our soles and soul are connected. When we lift our face to the Sun (sol, son) and all it offers, we invite clarity and the ability to receive. But when we reach out to touch the moon, we dance in and within creation.
I see the moon, the moon sees me.
Goddess bless the moon, and Goddess bless me.
And you.