Whatever we call the darkness from which no-one returns - the Void, Chaos, the egg of death and rebirth, Galactic Center, Hunab Ku - we are this week witnesses to an unveiling of the “As above, So below” mysteries. Scientists yesterday revealed the very first, cat’s eye glowing photograph of a black hole, in the constellation of Virgo.
As Medicine Women, we may be called upon as priestesses to midwife the transitions of the human experience, often expressed in words such as light and dark, birth and death, rebirth and transformation. We understand the black hole as a symbol or metaphor for the journey of the soul. We follow its spiral inward and outward, a maze-like pathway we walk step by step, in accordance with the harmonic laws of the universe.
A black hole is at once yoni and cosmic egg. The egg of life, Ygdraisl, is protected by the energetic spiraling “serpents” denoting healing for the body, soul and earth. Medicine Women honor these origins of the caduceus. Those of us who intentionally embark on this journey with the Dark Goddess must face our shadow selves. After going within and altering the status quo, we shall emerge again offer our inner light to the world. Like the Goddess before us, we must destroy in order to create. We must learn to recognize outmoded habits and beliefs. We must learn to work through the cycles of grief that accompany death, still allowing space for joy and rebirth.
At this time, many of the systems of laws and of men are breaking down, imploding from within, even as the time and space continuum folds upon itself to challenge the physical laws of time and space. Resistance is exhausting. The dramatic transformation of the world results from a sort-of event horizon, offering us a bleak vision: we teeter on the edge of a metaphorical black hole from which none of us can escape. Nonetheless, we have faith in the hope of a brighter future, of a transmutation and beautiful rebirth when we come out on the other side.
The science, thankfully, does not negate this symbolism. The new photo of Galaxy M87 may be 50 million light years away, but it shows a glowing light at the center of the indigo darkness, with a spinning clockwise direction, and sparkles of red, yellow and violet.
We, like the Goddess, are asked to undergo an initiation cycle at this time on the planet. We must now look into the abyss and release that which does not serve, to shed old ways of being and doing and emerge anew to offer our wisdom to the world.
The Virgo archetype on Gaia reminds us that now is the time to do our sacred work. There is no time like the present to conserve our energy and reserve resources needed for the times which lie ahead. We must do what is necessary to ground ourselves, shield energetically from the chaos. We must open to receive the metaphysical transmissions from the black hole in our own Milky Way, the “road of souls,” which will help us raise the vibration of the collective.
- Clear clutter and lighten your load physically and emotionally to grow your sacred space
- Write in your journal about your current initiation cycle and what it means to you.
- Research the symbolism of black holes and the cycle of the soul’s journey
- Activate a new intention in alignment with the divine mysteries
- Plant a women’s medicinal herb garden and share your bounty with others
- Tend your relationship with yourself, your beloveds, and your place in the world
- Build communities of support in which all women’s voices and experiences are honored, whether around a kitchen table or a fire
- Get involved in issues of women’s autonomy, particularly in terms of health care and reproductive rights, or equal rights under the law
- Work with Jupiter’s retrograde cycle to expand your knowledge about an aspect of your sacred work that requires more attention
Let me know if you would like to learn more about the ways that plant medicine and the element of water can support you during these challenging times. Or, if you’d like to do a deep dive into your “As Above, So Below” mysteries through a private intensive Shamanic Astrology session.