We find ourselves in different times.
In part, this is because our bodies, their electrical system, and our consciousness is shifting dimensionally. This shift is different, and it can be difficult. Our former 3-D awareness is giving way to a higher level of resonance and frequency identified as 5-D. At every level of our being, we are having to adjust, whether we are consciously working with this shift or not.
If you are new to thinking about personal vibration, this idea can seem pretty far-fetched. But on a basic level, scientists since Pythagoras have posited that everything is made up of types of energies. And these energies carry a vibration. The Universe and the Earth each have a vibration. Over time, these vibrations shift and change, like scales of music. We listen to these vibrations in a natural composition called “The Music of the Spheres.”
Two years ago, I travelled to Scotland to study ancient times. While there, I came to see that in the old sacred places, that change is open to different levels of understanding and interpretation. Working with vibrations that rise to a to a higher frequency becomes possible. Within that possibility, we can directly experience changes holistically on all levels of our physical, mental, and spiritual awareness as humans.
Over time, we can look back and see how far we have “progressed.” Technologically, we can see how we have harnessed “the light,” moving from candles to kerosene to electricity and now solar. Our progress, from flame to flare, has elevated our experience of the light on every level from the everyday to the spiritual.
Similarly, we are seeing a progression in other ways, too. Think about your own evolving understandings of time and space, astrology and archetype, and other tools that assist us with the management of our personal, internal energy sources.
This type of analogy shows how the “as within, as without” relates one thing to another so that all connect. If you have directly observed the sun and moon, then you have seen the universe in action. If you stand in the waves as the Earth’s tides go in and out, you have seen the universe in action. If you have marked the passages of the new moon, full moon, eclipses and the cycles of nature - then you have come to understand that all these universal actions are part of and related to nature and its necessary, healing role in our navigating these different times.
Yes, these may be different times, but the resilience they require is something our collective, ancient past has prepared us to survive. For we know - as nature shows us - that whatever does not grow or adapt is destined to die.
In order to grow, survive, and ultimately thrive, we will find that we are unable to remain in the same paradigm we previously inhabited. Instead, we have to move forward, look ahead, and hope. We have to make different choices. We have to energize those choices with self-nurturance, flexibility, conscious movement and growth.
These different times are our times. These different choices are our choices.