If you are like the rest of us, chances are you sometimes feel a bit anxious or lost. Inundated with media accounts of tragedy, conflict, war, and other threats, we may worry about safety and security. We may begin to focus on issues related to survival, digging in where we are like a dandelion, instead of spreading out like an old growth oak.
Likewise, our bodies and minds may also be stymied. We dream up threats where there may be none, or exaggerate the ones that exist. If you are broke or living paycheck to paycheck, have ongoing health problems, or you’re feeling afraid a lot of the time, then you may need to place attention on an unbalanced first chakra.
Here are some signs of an unbalanced first chakra:
_____ Chronic, ongoing health issues
_____ Lack of boundaries
_____ Inability to save money no matter how hard you try
_____ Feelings of being spaced out or not being grounded
_____ Old struggles with eating disorders or overeating show up
_____ Fear of pretty much everything
_____ Inability to get off the sofa
_____ Focus on survival level problems
_____ Alignment with those who exemplify materialism and greed
How many of these describe you?
It’s no coincidence that this writing about the “root” of us all comes at this time. We have a presidency focused on materialism and greed. Economists predict a recession, spurring questions about survival. As winter approaches, and the days grow shorter, it may become more difficult to get off the sofa and get moving.
This autumn, choose to get moving in the area of self care. We must “walk in balance,” whether gardening, doing yoga, or taking a bubble bath. We need the ability to be self-nurturing in order to feel rooted and present in our bodies. We need to feel rooted and present in our bodies in order to create what we need.
Cultivate strong boundaries, that you feel safe and secure, strong and balanced, able to stand on your own two feet. When you cultivate strong boundaries, you’re able to honor your physical and mental spaces in a way that honors your experience.
Manifest abundance from a place of presence in there here and now. Choose to save a small amount (the number is less important than the action) to affirm your commitment to manifestation.
At a time when many of us are observing rituals in honor of our ancestors, it’s worth reflecting on our inherited patterns. Our families of birth and choice, of the here and now and of yesteryear, remind us that there is more which lies before us than behind us. We deserve to find ourselves at home, in our own place, wherever we are, here on planet Earth.
The first chakra roots our physical bodies in the places we dwell, much as a plant’s roots ensure it’s stability in a garden. Today, why not go out in nature and find a place that calls to you? Sit on your sitz bones, and breathe deeply all the way down to the root, balancing your personal energy. Speak an affirmation of your rootedness and your belonging.
Build your resilience for these tumultuous times.Let me know if I can help or support you in this work.