There’s an old saying we’ve all heard, that when Spirit slams a door, she throws open a window. I would add a dash of salt round the corners to freshen the air as it flows through. Windows are often used by poets to symbolize our eyes, for if our eyes are the windows to our soul, then the windows of our house can be either shuttered or thrown open.
This is a time to open our eyes to places where we need to restore balance in our money and our life. It’s a time to plant and to plan. Yesterday closed tax season, and today, many people flock to the post office to get their taxes in the mail, a “grace period” due to the 15th falling on Sunday. Still others, over-extended energetically or financially, file an “extension” to allow them a bit more time. Perhaps now, more than ever, is a good time to look at our balance sheets, in finance and in life, and see where we’re spending more than we’re creating. Let’s make those adjustments.
Now is the time to look at our home with fresh eyes. If not already, a deep spring cleaning may be in order. In my home, the challenge is decades of family items stored in the basement and garage. I’m considering what I’d like to carry with me into the future and what it’s time to release. Spring is a good time for purgatives of all sorts! We must ask at this time what is needed to freshen our outlook on life. Is it as simple as a new haircut or finding a new networking opportunity? I would suggest otherwise, though sloughing off the old and getting on with the business of life will help.
Everything, if you sift it down, is very simple. It boils down to the emotional piece each of us carries, and some try to deny. In other words, we’ve tried to be what we’re not, what society’s projected onto us. We’ve spent a lot of time trying to conform to some system, an external standard. The two weeks prior to Beltane remind us of the one thing we can no longer ignore: our Selves. Even if we find ourselves at the mercy of situations beyond our control, we must tend the garden of our Selves and plant the seeds in the warm moist earth of hope.
We can also plant seeds in our actual gardens to remind us of our commitments to create more than we need to serve our communities and circles. Even if we feel our life goals are delayed, we can be assured it’s being worked out at a higher vibrational level. Energy work integrated with flower essences can help us ease the burden of living through a cosmic shift in an earthly reality. At the close of this window, Beltane reminds us to rejoice in our physical, material mundane world of experience and open ourselves to the fullness of life wherever we are, at whatever phase or stage of our journey. It’s the medicine woman way.