This year, the element is Earth and the animal is Dog. The year of the Earth Dog asks us to anchor our creations in the real world, release relationships which do not serve our vocation and calling, and to cultivate loyalty with ourselves and with others. It is for each of us to decide what this means for us at the individual level.
As a Medicine Woman, I understand why we must choose to honor our relatedness and to mark the sacredness of time with both moon and sun as companions on the journey of life. I honor you as a human companion I’ve been fortunate enough to meet on the way.
That’s why I’ve taken a few minutes to identify four resources I think you might find useful as you deepen your own understanding of this transformative Aquarius new moon window and the tone it sets for the year ahead.
1-A magickal perspective on what to expect in the Year of the Dog
2-Cultivate a mindfulness approach to working with the Earth Dog energies
3-Work with loyal animal companions, including dogs, in sacred space or ritual?
4-Does your fluffy white dog mean you’re a romantic at heart?