Here are some examples of new awakenings in our world.
Right now, interest in astrology is blooming. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in the world, planets are planets. How those planets present themselves at this time are open to different interpretations, many of which are grounded in the notion of “free will.” The predictions of a higher octave and an Aquarian age are upon us, along with the chaos.
The Masculine/Feminine Dance
Patriarchal ideals of the masculine are being shed like an old skin. The masculine and feminine are engaged in the divine dance of connection, with the affect of owning our gifts in a different way.
The back to the earth movement of the 1960s and 1970s is gaining new ground, from kitchen gardens to deep discussions about cannabis as a healing plant and spirituality. Herbs - both culinary and medicinal - correspond to the planets, making this ancient study in the present a new incarnation of the Hermetic mysteries of “as above, so below; as within, so without.”
The Wheel of the Year
The Aries warrior fire energy may be thought to cause more fear and despair to surface, due to a unique positioning that only happens once in thousands of years. But, rather than fulfill greed, conquering, or destroying, we can focus on how the re-sowing of new “seeds” helps us to provide for the collective. In each ending is a new beginning.
Beltane and Litha
As we leave behind Beltane (May 1) and approach Litha (June 21), we may consider that which we’ve laid waste as fertilizer for the land. Now, we might see how it has been returned to us in a new form. In the same way, the joy of personal sexuality has always affirmed the life force energy of an awakening Earth/Gaia/Nature. No matter our age, this time of awakening, no matter how difficult, is also one of great fertility for anything we wish to create, to bring into form, for the future.
The promise of the light is upon us. Collectively, we are dying to the old to make room for the new. The waning is only one part of the process that occurs when more people are coming awake and turning toward the light.
What are you noticing about this time of awakening?